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Considering a Future Pregnancy

Right time to try again

Unless there is a medical reason that has been discussed with you by your doctor following your miscarriage, i.e. molar pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy or personal illness, there is no right answer as to when the best time to try to conceive again may be. You don't have to wait a particular amount of time.  


There are many factors to consider in making your decision about the timing of another pregnancy; your own feelings, your partners’ feelings and perhaps family or social circumstances. It is a very personal and individual decision. 

Comforting Hands

Medical staff advise to have at least one period before trying for another baby. This is because the first cycle after a miscarriage varies, and it may be difficult to calculate how far along you are in your pregnancy when you have the positive pregnancy test. However, if you conceive during the first cycle, this does not make you more likely to miscarry.


Miscarriage Association (UK): ‘Thinking About Another Pregnancy’ Leaflet.

Fear of Miscarriage

It is natural to experience anxiety when planning for and indeed being pregnant again, after a loss. For most women, miscarriage can be a very upsetting and frightening experience. Apart from the physical impact on a woman’s body, miscarriage is usually accompanied by feelings of grief and loss which are often experienced for weeks and even months after a miscarriage.  Such feelings are normal.


Naturally, all of this may make you anxious about another pregnancy.

Risk of Miscarriage

Miscarriage is usually a one-time occurrence. Most women who miscarry go on to have healthy pregnancies after a miscarriage. A small number – about 1 to 3 in 100 – will have repeated miscarriage. We generally do not carry out investigations until you have had at least two miscarriages in a row.

Though the risk of another miscarriage increases after three consecutive miscarriages, the odds are still in your favour of having a healthy pregnancy outcome.  

As you get older, particularly over 40 years of age, the risk of miscarriage is higher. 


No. of previous miscarriages              Likelihood of having another miscarriage

2 or 3                                                         28 in 100 women

4                                                                 40 in 100 women

5                                                                 47 in 100 women

≥6                                                               64 in 100 women


Pregnancy Loss Research Group


Cork University Maternity Hospital

Wilton, Cork, Ireland

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